Update the specified iTwin.
For updates, all properties are optional. The request payload should only contain the properties that you would like to update.
Requires Authorization
header with valid Bearer token for scope itwin-platform
For more documentation on authorization and how to get access token visit OAUTH2 Authorization page.
The user must have the itwins_modify
permission in order to modify iTwin properties.
An Organization Administrator can modify iTwins owned by their Organization.
Organization Administrators are power users for all iTwins owned by their organization. They will be able to create, modify or delete any iTwin. Example: john.doe@example.com is an Organization Administrator that works for Example Industries. John will be able to create iTwins and those iTwins will belong to Example Industries. John and any other Organization Administrator for Example Industries will be able to update or delete the iTwin. Any user (an employee of Example Industries, or an external participant) can be invited to collaborate on the iTwin.
An Organization Administrator must have at least one of the following roles assigned in User Management: Account Administrator, Co-Administrator, or CONNECT Services Administrator. For more information about User Management please visit our Bentley Communities Licensing, Cloud, and Web Services wiki page.
Request parameters
The iTwin ID
Request headers
OAuth access token with itwin-platform
Setting to application/vnd.bentley.itwin-platform.v1+json
is recommended.
A iTwin instance with the fields that should be updated. ReadOnly fields should not be included.
Request body
iTwin (update)
An open ended property to better define your iTwin's Type.
A display name for the iTwin.
A unique number or code for the iTwin. This is the value that uniquely identifies the iTwin within your organization.
An optional field specifying the location of the iTwin. This is typically an address or city.
An optional field specifying the latitude of the iTwin.
An optional field specifying the longitude of the iTwin.
An optional field specifying the time zone of the iTwin. This must be a valid [IANA] (https://www.iana.org/time-zones) time zone id.
Must be one of Active, Inactive or Trial. The default value is Active. By default, Inactive iTwins are not returned from the Get my iTwins API unless requested using the includeInactive parameter.
{ "type": "Construction Project", "number": "iTwin #", "displayName": "My iTwin", "geographicLocation": "Exton, PA", "latitude": 40.028, "longitude": -75.621, "ianaTimeZone": "America/New_York", "status": "Active" }
Response 200 OK
{ "iTwin": { "id": "dc914a84-e0c9-40e2-9d14-faf5ed84147f", "class": "Endeavor", "subClass": "Project", "type": "Construction Project", "number": "00001-ds-3902795", "displayName": "White River", "geographicLocation": "Exton, PA", "latitude": 40.028, "longitude": -75.621, "ianaTimeZone": "America/New_York", "dataCenterLocation": "East US", "status": "Active", "parentId": "8a04f48b-1b11-475f-9b61-3083bc69f28f", "iTwinAccountId": "76c1102e-4f33-4dfa-ad93-bcd9ab717977", "imageName": "small_f3324967-82db-4c04-aad2-60635d00e1f6.png", "image": "https://crdeveussa01.blob.core.windows.net/context-thumbnails/small_f3324967-82db-4c04-aad2-60635d00e1f6.png?sv=2018-03-28&sr=b&sig=lcZwOExuEkdYg7KCXvrZyiVqTaRnl%2B%2F2m4ZJyj%2B5n6Y%3D&se=2023-07-07T00%3A00%3A00Z&sp=r", "createdDateTime": "2016-01-18T21:03:00.3704659Z", "createdBy": "66624686-8056-4af7-94ad-b1d3ef776f43", "lastModifiedDateTime": "2018-11-08T20:11:00.3304633Z", "lastModifiedBy": "abcd0123-e24a-4b35-9faf-f4f5f6f7f8f9" } }
Response 401 Unauthorized
This response indicates that request lacks valid authentication credentials. Access token might not been provided, issued by the wrong issuer, does not have required scopes or request headers were malformed.
{ "error": { "code": "HeaderNotFound", "message": "Header Authorization was not found in the request. Access denied." } }
Response 403 Forbidden
The user has insufficient permissions for the requested operation.
{ "error": { "code": "InsufficientPermissions", "message": "The user has insufficient permissions for the requested operation." } }
Response 404 Not Found
This response indicates that one of the associated entities could not be found.
{ "error": { "code": "iTwinNotFound", "message": "Requested iTwin is not available." } }
Response 422 Unprocessable Entity
Invalid request to update a iTwin. Review the 'Field Values' section near the top of this page.
{ "error": { "code": "InvalidiTwinsRequest", "message": "Cannot update iTwin.", "details": [{ "code": "ReadOnlyProperty", "message": "Id is read only and cannot be modified.", "target": "id" }, { "code": "ReadOnlyProperty", "message": "Class is read only and cannot be modified.", "target": "class" }, { "code": "ReadOnlyProperty", "message": "SubClass is read only and cannot be modified.", "target": "subClass" }, { "code": "ReadOnlyProperty", "message": "CreatedDateTime is read only and should not be set.", "target": "createdDateTime" }, { "code": "ReadOnlyProperty", "message": "LastModifiedDateTime is read only and should not be set.", "target": "lastModifiedDateTime" }, { "code": "InvalidValue", "message": "GeographicLocation cannot be more than 255 characters.", "target": "geographicLocation" }, { "code": "InvalidValue", "message": "IanaTimeZone value is incorrect.", "target": "ianaTimeZone" }, { "code": "ReadOnlyProperty", "message": "DataCenterLocation is read only and should not be set.", "target": "dataCenterLocation" }, { "code": "InvalidValue", "message": "Status value is incorrect. Valid values are Active, Inactive and Trial.", "target": "status" }, { "code": "InvalidValue", "message": "DisplayName cannot be more than 255 characters.", "target": "displayName" }, { "code": "InvalidValue", "message": "Number cannot be more than 255 characters.", "target": "number" }, { "code": "InvalidValue", "message": "Type cannot be more than 100 characters.", "target": "type" }, { "code": "InvalidValue", "message": "Latitude cannot be less than -90.0 or greater than 90.0.", "target": "latitude" }, { "code": "InvalidValue", "message": "Longitude cannot be less than -180.0 or greater than 180.0.", "target": "longitude" } ] } }
Response 429 Too many requests
This response indicates that the client sent more requests than allowed by this API for the current tier of the client.
{ "error": { "code": "RateLimitExceeded", "message": "The client sent more requests than allowed by this API for the current tier of the client." } }
Response headers
Number of seconds to wait until client is allowed to make more requests.
Full representation of a iTwin.
The iTwin Id.
An open ended property to better define your iTwin's Type.
A unique number or code for the iTwin. This is the value that uniquely identifies the iTwin within your organization.
A display name for the iTwin.
An optional field specifying the location of the iTwin. This is typically an address or city.
An optional field specifying the latitude of the iTwin.
An optional field specifying the longitude of the iTwin.
An optional field specifying the time zone of the iTwin. This must be a valid [IANA] (https://www.iana.org/time-zones) time zone id.
The data center where the data for this iTwin will be persisted. Default is East US. Valid Values: East US, North Europe, West Europe, Southeast Asia, Australia East, UK South, Canada Central, Central India, Japan East.
Must be one of Active, Inactive or Trial. The default value is Active. By default, Inactive iTwins are not returned from the Get my iTwins API unless requested using the includeInactive parameter.
The Id of the parent of this iTwin. For example, a Project iTwin could be a child of an Asset iTwin.
The Id of the Account that owns this iTwin. The Account is also the root of any iTwin hierarchy.
The name of the image. The name is unique and will only change if the image changes.
The URL of the image. This is a small, thumbnail image that was created using the Upload iTwin Image API. The URL will be valid for a minimum of 1 hour.
The date that the iTwin was created.
The Id of the user that created the iTwin.
The date that the iTwin was last updated.
The Id of the user that last updated the iTwin.
iTwin Status
One of 'Active', 'Inactive', 'Trial'
iTwin Class
The Class of your iTwin.
iTwin SubClass
The subClass your iTwin.
iTwin (update)
Properties of the iTwin to be updated.
An open ended property to better define your iTwin's Type.
A display name for the iTwin.
A unique number or code for the iTwin. This is the value that uniquely identifies the iTwin within your organization.
An optional field specifying the location of the iTwin. This is typically an address or city.
An optional field specifying the latitude of the iTwin.
An optional field specifying the longitude of the iTwin.
An optional field specifying the time zone of the iTwin. This must be a valid [IANA] (https://www.iana.org/time-zones) time zone id.
Must be one of Active, Inactive or Trial. The default value is Active. By default, Inactive iTwins are not returned from the Get my iTwins API unless requested using the includeInactive parameter.
Contains error information.
One of a server-defined set of error codes.
A human-readable representation of the error.
The target of the error.
Error Response
Gives details for an error that occurred while handling the request. Note that clients MUST NOT assume that every failed request will produce an object of this schema, or that all of the properties in the response will be non-null, as the error may have prevented this response from being constructed.
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