This operation is a Technical Preview and is available for testing purposes only. Do not use in production.
Use this endpoint to create CombinePhysicalModelsV2 configuration.
Combine Physical Models V2 transformation combines models in source iModel based on the EC query into target physical models with specified names. It is mandatory to only create source model queries which select ECInstanceId by using * or explicitly selecting that column. Also, source queries must pick only physical models that are sub-modeling physical partition.
For more information about internal iModel structure, see Example Information Hierarchy.
This transformation allows to optimize iModel for better viewing performance. You can notice lack of performance when model count reaches ~1000 or even more models.
You can select ~ 5-20 models by EC query and test the performance of the iModel.
Explanation of specific properties configuration.
modelGroups - property specifies an array of target model names with source model queries that you want to transform. This property is required.
groupUnselectedModels - optional parameter which indicates your decision on grouping unselected models. Default value is false.
unselectedModelsGroupName - optional parameter which sets name for unselected models group. You must specify the name if groupUnselectedModels is true.
simplifyGeometry - optional parameter indicating if geometry simplification should be used (transforming parasolids to meshes). Default if not specified - false.
In addition to exported data, the transformer will also push some additional metadata. This metadata contains:
BisCore:RepositoryLink and BisCore:ExternalSource elements that mark the source where the data was imported from.
A "Scope" BisCore:ExternalSourceAspect that contains Synchronization changeset metadata that is needed by the transformation service to process any later changes correctly.
Element provenance information (BisCore:ExternalSourceAspects) for elements that do not have federation guids.
Transformations service creates an Editing Channel with key IModelTransformations. All source iModel data is exported under a channel root subject named IModelTransformationsChannel.
Read more about Editing Channels here.
Note: Creating a configuration does not run the transformation. To run the transformation, please see transformations reference.
You must have imodels_write assigned at the target project level and imodels_read assigned at the source project level within related configuration. If permissions at the project level are not configured, then you must have same assigned at the iModel level.
Alternatively, you must be an Organization Administrator for the Organization that owns a given project the iModel belongs to.
An Organization Administrator must have at least one of the following roles assigned in User Management: Account Administrator, Co-Administrator, or CONNECT Services Administrator. For more information about User Management see Bentley Communities Licensing, Cloud, and Web Services wiki page.
{"transformName":"Example name","sourceProjectId":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","sourceIModelId":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","targetProjectId":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","targetIModelId":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","comment":"Example comment","transformParameters":{"modelGroups":[{"targetModelName":"Grouped Section A","sourceModelQuery":"SELECT ECInstanceId from bis.PhysicalPartition where UserLabel like 'A_Section%'"},{"targetModelName":"Grouped Section B","sourceModelQuery":"SELECT * from bis.PhysicalPartition where UserLabel like 'B_Section%'"}],"groupUnselectedModels":true,"unselectedModelsGroupName":"Unselected models","simplifyGeometry":true}}
{"configuration":{"id":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","transformName":"Transformation name","comment":"comment","createdDateTime":"2021-08-02T14:51:33.6133333Z","modifiedDateTime":"2021-08-02T14:52:33.6133333Z","transformType":"CombinePhysicalModelsV2","transformParameters":{"modelGroups":[{"targetModelName":"Grouped Section A","sourceModelQuery":"SELECT ECInstanceId from bis.PhysicalPartition where UserLabel like 'A_Section%'"},{"targetModelName":"Grouped Section B","sourceModelQuery":"SELECT * from bis.PhysicalPartition where UserLabel like 'B_Section%'"}],"groupUnselectedModels":true,"unselectedModelsGroupName":"Unselected models","simplifyGeometry":true},"_links":{"sourceIModel":{"href":""},"targetIModel":{"href":""},"sourceProject":{"href":""},"targetProject":{"href":""}}}}
This response indicates that request lacks valid authentication credentials. Access token might not been provided, issued by the wrong issuer, does not have required scopes or request headers were malformed.
{"error":{"code":"HeaderNotFound","message":"Header Authorization was not found in the request. Access denied."}}
Gives details for an error that occurred while handling the request. Note that clients MUST NOT assume that every failed request will produce an object of this schema, or that all of the properties in the response will be non-null, as the error may have prevented this response from being constructed.
Gives details for an error that occurred while handling the request. Note that clients MUST NOT assume that every failed request will produce an object of this schema, or that all of the properties in the response will be non-null, as the error may have prevented this response from being constructed.